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⇒08.03.24 Thanking the referees, whose reviews were most valuable for the journal in 2023, we publish the list of their names (in alphabetical order)

⇒04.02.23 Thanking the referees, whose reviews were most valuable for the journal in 2022, we publish the list of their names (in alphabetical order)

⇒08.03.22 Pleiades Publishing and Springer Nature Declaration on Events in Ukraine

⇒16.02.22 Thanking the referees, whose reviews were most valuable for the journal in 2021, we publish the list of their names (in alphabetical order)

⇒13.12.21 Dear readers and authors! We are glad to inform you that now Polymer Science starts to publish articles in "online first" mode.
Seven new "online first" articles could be seen by the following link:

⇒28.09.21 Dear readers, we are glad to inform you that six newly released publications in Polymer Science are now available in the Open Access format.
Please follow the links below for the full-text articles:

⇒02.07.21 Web of Science Impact Factors 2020 for Polymer Science, Series A, B, and C have been published.

⇒12.03.21 Dear readers, we are glad to inform you that three newly released publications in Polymer Science are now available in the Open Access format.
Please follow the links below for the full-text articles:

⇒12.03.21 New Guidelines for Authors are added (see "For Authors" section).

⇒11.01.21 Thanking the referees, whose reviews were most valuable for the journal in 2020, we publish the list of their names (in alphabetical order)

⇒25.06.20 Note, that currently all readers have free access to the full texts of our journal at Springer website:
Polymer Science, Series A
Polymer Science, Series B
Polymer Science, Series C

⇒9.10.19 Thanking the referees, whose reviews were most valuable for the journal in 2019, we publish the list of their names (in alphabetical order)

⇒13.09.19 New Guidelines for Authors are added (see "For Authors" section).

⇒10.10.18 Thanking the referees, whose reviews were most valuable for the journal in 2018, we publish the list of their names (in alphabetical order)

⇒8.10.18 Possibility to share the information about published papers is introduced: in their personal accounts the authors of the manuscripts just accepted for publication can upload a list of electronic addresses to which information will be automatically sent after the publication of the article (title, authors, abstract, citation link, link to full-text version).

⇒4.09.18 Thanking the referees, whose reviews were most valuable for the journal in 2017, we publish the list of their names (in alphabetical order)

⇒27.10.17 The journal now invites the authors to choose between the subscription-based and open access publication models. See "For Authors" section for the details. Guidelines for Authors have been changed.

⇒24.01.17 8th International IUPAC Symposium «Macro- and Supramolecular Architectures and Materials» (MAM-17) will be held on June 6 — 10, 2017 in Sochi, Russia.

⇒6.12.16 14th European Conference on Liquid Crystals will be held in Moscow on June 25 — 30, 2017.
Selected papers on LC polymers and composites with polymer matrix will be published in a special issue of Polymer Science, Series C journal.

⇒31.01.15 Results of the last December's survey among the authors and reviewers of our journal have been summarized in a presentation. Many thanks to all the participants! Your remarks and suggestions would be taken into account insofar as possible.

⇒9.01.15 Thanking the referees, whose reviews were most valuable for the journal in 2014, we publish the list of their names (in alphabetical order)

⇒26.11.14 New Guidelines for Authors are added (see "For Authors" section).

⇒25.02.13 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Chemistry and Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Topchiyev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis organize the IV International Conference on Colloid Chemistry and Physicochemical Mechanics to be held in Moscow on June 30 — July 5, 2013.
To get additional information about the Conference and to register, please visit the Conference site at

⇒13.05.09 New Guidelines for Authors are added (see "For Authors" section).
⇒23.01.09 The jubilee issue dedicated to the 50th anniversary of our journal (2009, V. 51, no. 1) has come out.
⇒11.07.08 A template for manuscript preparation in MS Word (dot-file) and user guide can be downloaded from our site (see "For Authors" section). Using this template by Authors is recommended by our Publisher. Any feedback on its convenience and possible modifications is highly welcome by the Editorial Office.
14.04.08 Site is opened for public
⇒28.01.08 Site is launched for testing